Monday, January 12, 2009

Family pictures

It just didn't work out this year, there was goo on the camera lens where Sam grabbed it, Gracie did not want to cooperate, Sam would cry, etc. We thought we finally had a good one by the wall at the zoo. I arranged everyone where I wanted them got the camera ready and asked a gentleman walking by to snap it. I know, not the best plan, but this was the 3rd or 4th attempt at a photo session and I was desperate. Needless to say, after the gentleman assured me had gotten a good picture and I had him take another few just to make sure, he returned the camera for me to find that he hadn't taken any photos at all. That's what I get for asking a stranger to take our picture. So, here it is our family photo. Can you find me?


Kim Garrett said...

Those are my favorite family photos...the one where I'm NOT in it...

The Pick's Patch said...

I see you! I see your shadow!!!

Stephanie said...

you do need some help!!! :)