Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gracie danced to "Has anybody seen my gal."

She did great and was the cutest gal on the stage.

We were so lucky to have TT come over and spend the morning with us while her momma helped on Kaiya's field trip. Aunt Shauna had a little too much fun dressing her up while clearly ignoring her own children !
Our little water lover...Samuel loves to play in the water...soaking himself and everyone else...this is the case inside or out.
Samuel has been known to open the oven door, uses it as a stool, climbes onto the counter, walks to the sink, puts the drain in and fills the sink with water! He has also figured out it's a lot of fun to spray water all over the kitchen, until Mom catches him of course. What a character.

catching up

Preschool Graduation...
When asked what She wants to be when she grows up Gracie replied, an indian girl and a mermaid.
What a great imagination. One of the many reasons why we love our Gracie girl!
Gracie LOVES Miss Susan, her preschool teacher. It was devestating to Gracie to learn that she would get a new teacher in Kindergarten. She thought she would always have Miss. Susan. Luckily Miss. Susam is in our ward and we get to visit her all the time. We also get to ding-dong ditch her all the time and leave her kisses(the chocolate kind) and sweet notes that say things like "I like you very, very, very much!"