Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Rules: Link to the person that tagged you; Amy
Share 6 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.Tag 6 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog or email.Let your tagged peeps know once your entry is up.Okay, here are my 6 non-important quirks:

1. I do a paper route, and I love it. Weird I know, but I love the time alone. I spend the time praying, listening to church tapes, talk radio, etc. I feel empowered, and blessed to be able to help my family financially.

2. I don't like being told I have to do something. If I feel pressured to be anywhere, I suddenly don't want to go. I am like a little child, "don't make me"!! If you want me to show up somewhere, act like you don't care if I am there or not.

3. I get the chills when I hear fire trucks, ambulances, police cars. I always have to say a quick prayer that everyone I love will be safe and protected and is not hurt.

4. Secretly I love when Gracie wants to listen to the chipmunks Christmas songs over and over and over. First, I like the chipmunks. Second, Gracie tries to sing like a chipmunk and it cracks me up every time.

5. My husband still gives me the shivers. Enough said

6. I love diet vanilla coke. My husband has a love hate relationship with caffeine, so I try not to drink it out of deference to him and the fact that he shouldn't drink it. I sneak it. I love it and crave it.

  1. Brandon
  2. Kim
  3. Nakel
  4. Amanda
  5. Mom

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