Thursday, April 15, 2010

F.B.I's 10 most wanted is...

JAMES J. BULGER ( Mass Murder)


CHRISTIAN WILLIAM RANKIN (Unwitting accomplice)

Yes, It's true, my husband, the activist, was recently visited by the F.B.I. . Last week I opened the door to find an F.B.I. agent and the Boise Police Departments anti-terrorist officer on my doorstep. When they showed me their credentials and asked if my husband was home, I naively replied, "Is this about his brother?" (If you don't know why I would make that comment, ask, It's a good story in and of itself).

"No, this is about him." was the response.
"Uh, what did he do?" I questioned.
"Is Christian around, or should we go and visit him at his job?" the F.B.I agent calmly replied
"Uh, let me call him...Please, come in, sit down" I graciously requested. Truthfully if I had cookies and milk I would have requested that they join me in a plateful while I did my best to charm them out of hauling my sweetheart to the gaol where I had visions of him being starved and unmercilessly tortured.
Chris answered the phone quickly and cherrily. Here is a brief excerpt of our conversation:
Chris: (Singing) "Sweet violets, sweeter than all the roses..."
Me:"Uh, the F.B.I would like to speak with you. They're at our house. Where are you?"
Chris: "I'm right here, where are you?"
Me:"I'm serious.The F.B.I. would like to speak with you."
Chris: "Ha, Ha, Ha...(still laughing) What kind of F.B.I.?"
Me: Uh, I think it is the Federal Burea of Investigation"
Chris: (Silence)
Chris: "I'll be right there."
What was his crime you may wonder? Well, it seems my husband has a habit of signing documents without reading them. His friend handed him a document and asked it he was interested in peacefully participating in an effort for citizens to have more say in the government. Sounded good to Chris and he signed away...the actual document? Well it was a warrant sent to every governor in the U.S. asking them to swear an oath or step down in three days...the end result being that they would be detained or removed from office if they declined to do so...
The F.B.I. had come to our home to see if Chris was a terrorist.


MommaArch said...

Oh my! I'm laughing now, but I'm pretty sure I would have pee-ed my pants had I been in your shoes. I guess I'll start reading all the fine print before I sign:)

Jill and Brandon, +4 said...

Yeah..this is awesome. Something like this happens only to one of those crazy Rankins!
Sign here please... never read it... sadly I do the same thing.
I better start reading the fine print too.

Chapeks said...

SCARRRRYYYYY!!!! I would have been freaking out!!!! Just between you and I, I'm on the FBI's side. I always knew he had a dark side. ; )

The Pick's Patch said...

Oh my gosh! That's CRAZY!!!! How scary! I'm glad they let him off the hook (they did didn't they?) Holy honkers! Yikes! I don't think I'll be signing that has to do w/our government these days....