Monday, February 8, 2010

Love potion number ?

Gracie has gotten into the business of love. After coming home from The Chapeks with a vial/vile of "Love Potion" that she was intending to drink before bed ( mommy advised her quickly not to drink the black, sparkly concoction that smelled like a mixture of bathroom deodorizer and cheap perfume...not that there is much difference between the two), Gracie decided to begin mixing her own potion and conducting experiments on Mommy and Samuel. Starting appropriately with an apple juice based mixture, because really all good love stories contain apples. IE. Snow white, Enchanted, etc.. She mixes her potion in her special potion pot (an old beef jerky jar) and has Mommy or Sam drink it and then says things like, "Now, tell me how you feel." , "Hmmm" and "Kiss". While I secretly love the abundance of slobbery kisses that Sam then bestows on me, I act appropriately smitten by the love potion. Which interestingly enough Gracie tells me has no effect on her.

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