Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Sam's first sugar cookie

There is significance in firsts. This week has been full of them. Some good, some bad, all a symbol that time does not stand still, but that life continues moving forward whether we are ready or not. I sometimes want to stop the progress of time, just for a while. I want to tell my little ones, who are so anxious to move on to the next step in life, to slow down, quit growing up, quit growing away. I know that this will go by so quickly. I don't see them changing, I only see the end result; The girl grown into a teenager (Boy is she a teenager), the little girl grown into the big girl and the baby...oh I want to keep him my baby for as long as I can. Is it possible that time keeps moving faster and faster?

Brittany has picked this week to officially morph into teenagerhood (it's a word right). She is moody, sullen, silent. She does not speak to us, she simply looks at us. Truthfully it has been happening for a while. Chris and I have become them, THE PARENTS. How did this happen? My solution...I signed her up for art lessons? Chris thinks I am rewarding bad behavior...perhaps I am. What else can I do?

Gracie has taught herself to do math. MATH. "Mom 1+2 is 3". I know it's basic, but she picked it up on her own. Why? I have no idea, but she continues to enthrall me.
And my Samma Samma got his first tooth. He is miserable. Screaming, loud, demanding. My poor little man has such a low frustration tolerance.


MommaArch said...

Time does go by so fast. I find myself wanting to pause time for just a while so I can enjoy some of the precious moments just a little bit longer. And the teenage years -- oh boy I'm not ready for those. Nope not at all!!!

The Pick's Patch said...

Gosh! I love your blog!!!! I love reading what you write! You are an awesome writer! I think you should write a book! seriously!!!!

Love you!

Stephanie said...

It's so fun to read your blog, I've always loved the way to write!! And I love seing pictures of your cute kids, you are such a great mom!!