Monday, May 24, 2010


Yesterday as we started to sing the opening song at church, my children started to throw a fit. Yes, soon into the beginning of the meeting... they were upset and screaming as they each grabbed for the same granola bar and each held on tight, all the while trying to out scream the other. Nice, I know, don't judge me.

What was my response? I laughed because everyone around me continued to sing "We are all enlisted till the conflict is o'er. Happy are we. Happy are we..."

Thursday, May 13, 2010


(Samuel picking up the bunny trail to find his basket)

Yes, I know this is late, but if it is taken in the perspective that I haven't yet posted birthday and Christmas pictures, I'm actually early...

Girls day...boys day

Gracie and I recently spent a lovely afternoon window shopping and eating lunch at the mall while the boys took in the sight at the roadster show.

Yes, I know my eyes are almost or entirely closed in these pictures, but that is sort of my thing. What is more surprising is that there are actual pictures out there of me with my eyes open

Title of Liberty

(Gacie's note written in marker on the front step)

Gracie came home from church one day and in a burst of love and faith made a sign to hang on the door. She wanted everyone to know what she believed and how she was feeling. I am ashamed to admit that I sometimes have a hard time talking to people about my religious beliefs. I just don't want to push anything on anyone.

"Yet a little child shall lead them."

How simple and how profound it is to declare what you believe. My daughter is unafraid to proclaim to the world that she loves her Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. How humbled I am .

Mowing the lawn

Samuel loves to help daddy. He will "work" in the shop for hours blowing sawdust around with the air compressor, using the drill to make big holes in the piles of sawdust, hammer on anything and everything. He is daddy's little helper. Here is how he helps Daddy mow the lawn...tee he he.

No blankets or pillow required

My children can and will fall asleep anywhere. Lately Samuel has taken to going into the garage, opening the door to the avalanche by jumping up, hanging and pulling on the door until it opens and then spends hours playing in the car...He will also fall asleep in there.

Gracie's favorite place to sleep during the winter and this very cold spring is in front of the fireplace.


Today I watched as Gracie ran across the schoolyard and into her classroom door. Normally, she wants me to walk her to the door, but today in a burst of confidence, she crossed the parking lot and playground by herself while I stayed behind and watched at the curb. She was wearing a simple white dress and her blue sweater. As she ran her red curls streamed behind her and shone in the bright sunlight. I felt so many emotions in an instant. Joy at watching her strong, young body run. Amazement that this beautiful, vibrant girl is here. She is mine, yet I am painfully aware that she doesn't belong to me...her physical presence in my daily life is fleeting and will all too soon be gone. She will grow up, move gone.

I wish there was a way to package all of the memories I have of her (and all my children). Bottle them up, wrap them and protect them. Then someday in the distant future when I am old and they are grown, I could take them out and let them sit with me a while. When my children have children of their own, when their lives take them away from me for moments, days or weeks I will have the memories, perfectly intact and preserved, to remind me of the joy, the fun, the work...oh, they are work. I wish I could freeze time if only for an instant to really take them in, love them, adore them.

As Gracie neared her classroom door, she turned her head ever so slightly and peeked out of the corner of her eyes to make sure mommy was watching as promised. I was, with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.