Monday, July 6, 2009

My Pet Bee

We do not have a pet named Bee, Gracie literally had a pet Bee. She captured it, by herself, and kept it in a glass jar on the picnic table. We kept telling her that a bee was not the kind of pet you can hold or love.

While Gracie knows that bees sting, I think in her innocence, she thought that if only the bee got to know her it would not hurt her. After a weekend locked up in the glass jar, Gracie took the bee out of the jar and tried to hold it on her fingertips. Sadly, the bee stung her. Lesson learned.

If you wonder what kind of parents allow their children to have pet bees please refer to the prior post about chickens living in our shower.

1 comment:

Usually Kristen sometimes Kevin said...

I can't believe you guys have a blog and we didn't even know about it. haha. Hope life is going well for you guys. We miss ya.