Sunday, March 22, 2009

First soccer game.

About a month ago, Gracie woke up in the middle of the night crying that, "she didn't want to dance, she just wants to run." Okay, I can take a hint, the solution...Soccer. Gracie is playing on a co-ed team that Daddy helps to coach. Yesterday was their first game. Gracie loves it. She even scored one of the first goals. Which of course, Mom missed because she took Sam back to the car to change stinky diapers.

Here are some of the comments overheard at her soccer game that are classic and you just don't hear in regular soccer games.

"Stand up" Said by the coach of our team to his daughter who sat down in center field while the other team had the ball.

"No, Kick the ball" said by ...hhmm just about everyone to hhmmm, just about every child on the field.

"Put your shoes on" Said by the opposing coach to one of the little boys who took his shoes off while playing.

"Wrong way, go the other way." Said by too many people to count.

"Wow Mom, I look like a real soccer player." Gracie, before the game.

Too cutE and so much fun. Gracie had the biggest smile on her face! Gotta love soccer

1 comment:

Jill and Brandon, +4 said...

Awesome blog! I love to see the little ones play soccer and figure it out... it's awesome.... GO GRACIE GO!!! Love Uncle Brandon